My story

The topic of a healthy lifestyle came into my life after I realized that I regularly could not get out of bed until noon, could not cure a cold for many days and could not eat any fatty food. 

I was definitely unhealthy! 

The fact that I could not perform daily tasks and keep up with my active child made me angry and depressed. In addition, our child was also often sick. 

I asked myself what I was doing wrong. I followed all our doctor's prescriptions. But... the traditional (allopathic) approach turned out to be a dead end. 

Finally, I took over the responsibility for our health, dived into the study of the issue and step by step began applying new knowledge. Very soon our mental and physical health started improving. Regular headaches and tiredness completely disappeared. I started receiving more inspiring reviews and thanks from other people. 

My professional journey began! 

Now I am interested in working with almost any health conditions. So far, I have not taken only cancer patients. 

My family members remain the most grateful participants in my way of transformation, they support and encourage me!